Catch Your Target Market With Content

4 Ways to Make Your Content Stand Out

There’s a ton of content out there today. With new blog posts, articles and white papers going up every single day, it can be a struggle to get your content to get noticed. How do you get your audience to pay attention to your content? You stay ahead of the curve; appeal to modern customer needs and desires; and try new strategies. Here are four ways to make your content stand out from the rest.

Create an Interactive Digital Experience

People don’t want to live solely online anymore, but trying to get them completely offline isn’t going to work either. The solution? Create a unique digital experience that people can access via one of their devices and that’s also interactive in a real way. Pokemon Go is a great example – users needed their smartphone to play, but the only way they could actually participate was to get up, out and on the move.

Pay Extra Attention to the Hook

Brands are worried that their audience is going to see a piece of content they put out there and then promptly ignore it. This forces them to put the fine print ¬– i.e. the less interesting, more boring information ¬– at the beginning, with the thought process being that if someone is going to quickly move away from the content, at least they’ll have read or seen the most important piece.

This isn’t a great approach, though. The real focus should be on attracting people to that content and making them stay thanks to a great hook. That hook should also be at the beginning ¬¬– the beginning of the article, video or whatever type of media you’re creating.

Try a Different Type of Media

In the past, online content marketing was heavily focused on copy. Then, photographs started gaining popularity (only Facebook posts with photos would perform well, for example). Not long ago, video became in demand, and successful brands are now putting a focus on video content. So far, though, audio has been somewhat brushed aside.

It’s time for brands to realize how important audio content is – just look at the popularity of podcasts, after all. Podcasts are incredibly successful when it comes to capturing and keeping an audience’s attention, and brands should be tapping into this potential.

Utilize Artificial Intelligence

Smart brands are harnessing the massive power of artificial intelligence (AI). Content marketing can be supported by AI in a number of ways, including visual recognition, auto-generated recommendations (based on the user’s preferences), natural language processing and in-depth data analytics. Ultimately AI helps brands collect data all the time, and then sort through that data to uncover important customer information, habits and trends.

You don’t have to go full steam ahead with all of these ideas at once. Start small, picking the one that’s best-suited to your brand and goals. Once you’ve perfected the process, decide which strategy to try out next.